Jon Pardew Movie Review: 6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 53%
Rated: PG
Sexual Content: 1/10
Violence: 3/10
Profanity: 2/10
Drugs/Alcohol: 1/10

This movie will be compared to big name classics like E.T. or Stand By Me. If you look at it that way Earth to Echo does not stand a chance. That being said, I enjoyed to movie with my 3-year-old son who absolutely loved it. It is very shaky due to their style of filming. The whole thing is filmed by the three boys passing the handheld video-camera back and forth or you are supposed to believe that the boys are filming. The adventure goes by quickly. It only happens in one night which limits your time to get to know Echo. He is cute and likable so when the movie is over you might feel like you needed more time with the little robot alien.

The story is enjoyable. If it was made to tap into the nostalgia of being a tween, then it did the job. Most everyone knows what it is like to have to move and say goodbye to your best friends. If you have to move from your home when you are young like these kids, it can be really difficult. In helping Echo, they were able to forget about their emotions during their last night together and have an adventure. Echo taught them that goodbye doesn't have to be forever.
Well, this a good review and rating. I can add this to my watch list along with Andy Yeatman shows. My nephews wanted me to add some good movies to their list because their vacation is about to begin. I am glad that I came across this post right on time.