Jon Pardew Movie Review: 1/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 20%
Rated: PG-13
Sexual Content: 3/10
Violence: 7/10
Profanity: 5/10
Drugs/Alcohol: 3/10
All transformers are now being hunted down by humans and destroyed. Their parts are being salvaged and studied. A company in the U.S. has now unlocked the secrets and can build their own transformers. Optimus Prime is discovered by Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg), who is a junk yard inventor. Much to his daughters disagreements he helps the barely alive Optimus Prime. When it is discovered by the government where Oprimus is located; Cade, his daughter, and her boyfriend get mixed up in a terrible transformer movie.
A few months ago we bought a new vacuum. We had heard about the quality of the Dyson brand and we were excited to try it out. When I had used for the first time I was very impressed with how much dirt it sucked off the floor. Transformers: Age of Extinction sucked much deeper then our vacuum. In fact it was like watching a Transformer movie being sucked up a vacuum and hitting the cyclone tube. The movie was all over the place and much of it didn't make sense. The dialogue was even worse as the silly one liners could make you squirm. It was as if they all took Horatio Cane's lines from CSI: Miami, chewed on them and spit them out. The VFX were...okay with the exception of one part were there was a demonstration of some new technology. It was being shown how they can now turn a ball of transformer material into anything and it didn't look real at all. It looked like a cartoon! I was surprised to see such low quality on a movie that had an extremely large budget. If there was one thing good about this movie, I would have to say the explosions. Although the explosions were big and spectacular, they still just reminded me of the mess the

There was one part where they ended up at The Hole in the Rock Store located close to Moab Utah. I had to laugh as I have been by this store many times. It was fun to see it in a movie. I just wish it was in a better movie.
Written by: Jon Pardew
Two-and-a-half hours is long for most movies. Especially any Transformer movie. Good review Jon.