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Jon Pardew Movie Review: 8/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 79%
Rated: PG-13
Sexual Content: 6/10
Violence: 3/10
Profanity: 6/10
Drugs/Alcohol: 4/10
The Fault in our Stars is the love story about Hazel Grace and Gus. Hazel has cancer and she is talked into attending a support group. Not very interested, she goes and that is where she meets Gus. Gus is a cancer survivor with a prosthetic leg. They soon start dating and fall in love through shared adventures including a trip to Amsterdam to meet Hazels favorite author.

There is not much to criticize about The Fault in our Stars. Except that it made it rain inside the theater...but through much of the sobs and tears you often find yourself laughing at the witty dialogue and subtle jokes. The movie is about a serious illness which gives it a very real life feel. To see how one can stay positive in the midst of excruciating pain made me think. Made me think about my life and how I get so mad when the guy with the license plate that says L8ER cuts me off on the way to work. I get so mad and yet it is over something so small and so insignificant.

Love is infinite and so are memories. In our lives, we get the opportunity to love. Even if we are only given a short amount of time to love somebody, it is still infinite. In The Fault in our Stars Hazel talks about infinities. About how some infinities are bigger than others. If you look at all the numbers between 0 and 1, for example: 0, 0.1, 0.12, 0.121 and so on. You can see that there are infinite numbers in between. The numbers between 0 and 2 are also infinite but it is a much bigger infinity. Even a short moment with a loved one can stretch forever. That infinity is not as long as other infinities, but it is still infinite. Confusing? I know, but the movie tells it better than I do. At one point in the movie Gus tells Hazel that even if she broke his heart, it would be an honor to have his heart broken by her. He knew that his precious moments in life are only worth living if he made the memories that would last forever and found a love that would stretch beyond time. Those were his intentions, and it didn't matter that Hazel was terminally ill. If he found infinite love, then death would not cause that love to stop.
I don't like most chick flicks, but this one held my attention and gave me some things to think about. I found it to be a much better experience than I originally thought.
P.S. Today is my sweethearts birthday! Happy birthday Ali May! Just want to say that I infinitely love you!
Written by: Jon Pardew
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