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Jon Pardew Movie Review: 6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 46%
Rated: PG
Sexual Content: 1/10
Violence: 4/10
Profanity: 2/10
Drugs/Alcohol: 1/10
Maleficent is a, "this is how it really happened" narrated story of Sleeping Beauty. The story goes way back to when Maleficent was a child and a loving fairy. The world of the fairies and the kingdoms of man are separated due to differences. Things start to change when Maleficent meets a human boy in her young years and they become friends. The story of Sleeping Beauty doesn't happen until much later and of course, it is different than you may think.

Here are my 3 criticisms: Maybe it is just me but the CGI doesn't seem to be up to the industry standard. The fairies looked cool, they just didn't look like they were really there. When I can tell that something has been drawn in, it takes me out of the movie. Another thing is that the character development seemed to be pushed aside. It was hard to feel for the characters when you don't know much about them. Finally, The resolution to the conflict was a little cheesy to me. I wish that Disney didn't take the movie in that direction. For my part, I could see it coming a mile away. When you see it, you will know what I mean.
Taking this story and turning upside down to show why Maleficent is the antagonist was fun. You should not see someone for who they appear. You know the saying, "Don't judge a book from its cover". Judgment can come so harshly sometimes. The thing is, most likely the judgments come because others do not know your past and what made you the way you are. Maleficent may look bad, but wait, is she really? You have to look past peoples horns and when you do, you might find a genuine person. Someone who has, just like you, experienced bitter pain and anguish.