Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bears Review

Rotten Tomatoes: 91% so far

Opening: April 18th

Rated: G

IMDb: A documentary that follows an Alaskan bear family as its young cubs are taught life's most important lessons.

This movie is about a mama bear, and it made me think about moms.  So I want to dedicate this post to my mom who is my favorite mama bear.  Happy early Mother's Day mom!

The love of a mother is one of the greatest things in life.  There is no doubt in my mind that I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for my own mother who encourages me.  The mama bear in this movie has to protect her cubs from danger, find food for them in harsh environments, and teach them how to open clams for the tasty bite (its not as good as salmon).  Much like the life of people, it is nice to have a mom there to teach you things, keep you safe, and prepare your food.  The mama bear's job was not an easy one, and neither is the job of our own mothers.  I recently saw a job interview on youtube.  I decided to share that video here:

After seeing that little video, I wanted to take my chance and thank my mom, and moms everywhere, for the job that you do.  You truly are remarkable people.  Oh, and mom, I love you.  See you at the Mother's Day brunch in a few weeks.

So if you enjoy bears in nature or you enjoy moms, check out Disneynature's Bears.  I give it an 8/10

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